Saturday, February 7, 2009

Day 3 - Friday

Boston spent the day under lights getting rid of his "tan." His jaundice hadn't improved and so we added a lamp in addition to his blanket to help speed things along. He looked really funny in with his blindfold on.

We were able to get all of the ultrasounds and the eye exam today -- even though we had thought we would have to wait until Tuesday. No cyst in front of the tailbone; head ventricle still on the high side, but not concerning; and the kidneys are formed correctly, although slightly bright. Dr. Van de Voorde was not concerned with the ultrasound as it did not affect our plan of care.

Our best news of the day came with the eye exam -- Boston's eyes are normal. If he ends up being confirmed for Pierson's we will have to continue to watch them, because they could all of a sudden get worse - but it is great news that his doesn't have any blindness, retinal detachment or pinpoint pupils right now.

I am continuing to stay at the hospital so I can feed Boston every three hours. At night I have been able to find a bed in the Ronald McDonald rooms, so I can sleep for an hour and a half in between night feedings.

Boston will probably be under the lamps for another day or so depending on what his levels are on Saturday. We will continue to watch him closely over the weekend, as this time is when the other effects of losing protein, such as swelling and lack of appetite start to occur. Whether he gets worse over the next few days will tell us a lot about the plan of care we can expect.

1 comment:

Simone said...

Sarah congratulations to you and your family! Boston is looking great - wish I could come visit and give hm a big cuddle.