Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Clark and Boston: Brotherly Love

Our two boys are getting along beautifully. Clark is very inclusive of Boston. Clark doesn't want to go anywhere without Boston and doesn't want Boston to go anywhere without him. He will try and help carry the car seat with Boston in it, and when we return home will refuse to do anything until Boston is out of the car seat. He won't put his hat on unless Boston has a hat on too. He won't eat dinner unless Boston is sitting in his bouncy seat next to the table. And if we are going upstairs or downstairs, we all have to go.

Clark is also very protective of Boston. At church on Sunday he actually pushed a friend of ours' hand away when she tried to touch Boston. (She was able to hold Boston later when Clark wasn't around).

It is wonderful to see how quickly Clark has adjusted to having Boston in our lives and how loving he is toward him. We are so blessed!

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